The company Antares Latgale is one of the biggest Latvian importers of fish and seafood. We work directly with big fishing companies.
SIA “Antares Latgale” ir īstenojusi projektu Nr. 17-00-F05404-000025 “Saules enerģijas izmantošana SIA “Antares Latgale” ražošanas procesa nodrošināšanai”. SIA “Antares Latgale” ar Eiropas Jūraslietu un zivsaimniecības fonda...
SIA “Antares Latgale” ir īstenojusi projektu Nr. 17-00-F05404-000003 Jaunas saldētavas izveidošana SIA “Antares Latgale”...
Our goal is a stable and long-term partnership. Each partner is important to us. Best deals for wholesale buyers.
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